Thursday, July 06, 2006

Report Card of UPA

This post seems like an odd-man-out between all my previous blogs.BUt still i wanted to asses UPA till now frm my stand point. Started with nt so optimistic projections frm business community and educated community of india,to say it had fared well than expected in discourse of it power.But it's defiance to Constitutional Laws have kept it's face down. Starting with Govt in Goa,Bihar...Dissolution of govt overe htere.Till the late Office of Profit ordinace,UPA has tried to play with constitution and it's imperial politics,british style of rule,divisional politics has attracted more criticism tn praises.It may be cashing on huge un-educated population but surely it's taking india to an end of a huge internal conflict.Even the lates AIIMS controversy adds to it's imperialisitc moves.It's acts are true reflection's of political vendetta.It's seems a new tuglaqnama is to be written.Cripled by Coalition dharma our Puppet(PM) just listen's to order's given by allies.With such a weak situation i hope very less from this govt.Atleast i hope it wnt take this country to brink of failure!!!!!!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Autopsy of My Life

It's been lng time i was coveting to write a blog on this but with my procrastinating nature bcked out in the minute evry time.

Lest i start with my childhood it doesn't confirm to the heading of this Artile so lets move my frm childhood age.Born in a small town name rajahmundry near my favorite,charming and soothing godavari river have very emotional attachment with it throughout my life. Spent most of my childhood in the womb of nature njoying Surrealistic world it projects in my eyes.Ever wanted to continue so.Then had to enter the factories this society had created to train it solders to march into the fields of war & hoax where i miss my mother nature.Unable to cross liminal conditions created by code follwed by this organization which is full of deceit,deception,fradulence wrking under the veil of Morality and Common Goodness i resent in this world of numbers.