Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Poverty and Backwardness

Poverty/Backwardness is a state of your mind. Suceess has nothing to do with your background, education, where you were born, or who your parents are. Several studies have shown that all successful people have something in common, and that is their thinking pattern, their belief, and their mindset. Your belief and mindset dictate and control your attitude and your commitment to any endeavour. For you to succeed, you must have a mindset of success. Change your thinking pattern.

I've putup this thread in wake of continued discussion goin on about reservations in india

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Great Debate

Here i'm taking a bold step to broach up the Topic of Reservation. This much Axiomatic concept is abstruce in it's intent, alienating ppl based on Subjective Matters which has lead into an altercation.To Accord or to Abdicate is being debated everywhere.Looking at all angle's and listening to all per-ceptions i couldn't get into a conclusion as to how this Reservation overhaul shall be achieved taking into consideration all the sensitivities of the stake-holders involved in.This web has entangled itself.Advocating on one side has been too difficult.Trying to adjudicate the matter i look into Void for the solution.Following are the arguments i've put up frm my conscience.

Merit is built by surroundings
Social Justice

Wrongly implemented(Negligent % of Actual beneficiaries are benefiting)
Creating problems to many.
Backwardness is Multidimentional.Caste is not Single attribute.
Thrive for excellence.
Vote bank politics.

Problem:- India as of now is made of ppl whose mindset lies in various timelines.So no common ideology can be thought of.
So what is the Solution???

I can hear voices from many anti reservation protester's Like
Civil War.
Quit india

But according to me even the above solution doesn't seem to wrk or be a permanent solution.Or are to trying to solve a problem with no solution???