Friday, March 03, 2006


Or, so many think of the readers, who react vehemently – not to say minaciously – to my blogs. They insist that I demonise, chastise,disparage, deride and hold in contempt groups of people simply and solely because they are born are of a given genetic stock(In their way of life).

As the name above suggests (Rhyme kinda Linkin Park Song), i decided to runaway,deserting my love,Finding new passion,new love. Is this what i should do??Is my stance,gesture an immature and preconceived image i place about my future in this stream. If you ask me pick from Heavenly possibilities (Yes | NO), I say NO.i'm nt wrong.Once you get to xperience the whole you gotta agree with me.This not Just my opinion but ubiquitous rule agreed by majority.

Still you may fire upon me saying running away is not the solution.But i've no other answer.Or some may say accept the life as it is.My only answer to them is I Strongly beleive in Famous Darwin's theory (Theory of Evolution),Hoping to fight till the end.........


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